Welcome back to Fire in the Mountains! We're thrilled to have you with us for the 13th episode, as we dive back into the small town of Rocky Gap and the investigations of Police Chief John Smith.
As we've seen in previous episodes, Chief Smith is grappling with the painful memories of his past while also trying to solve a series of dangerous incidents that have shaken up Rocky Gap. With each new development, the stakes get higher and the danger becomes more pronounced.
In this episode, he reaches out to an important member of his past to try and uncover some of the murky details hindering his view of the case. Will this help Callie? When will the events of episode 12 come to light and how will that play into it? And how will the sleepy, small town of Rocky Gap survive the Mallettis?
While the darkness of Chief Smith’s past definitely looms large over his newish hometown, he is not the kind of person to just give up. He’ll forge forward and do what he can to save everyone he cares for and loves.
If you have also been reading our Plotting Along for the Ride blog entries, you can keep notes on how I incorporate those tips and tricks into the plot of this story.
So get ready to buckle up and join us for another thrilling ride through Rocky Gap. We can't wait to see where this journey takes us next.
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